Friday, March 13, 2009

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends

We hope you were able to attend the show last night at city hall but for those of you who missed it here are the highlights;

  • Act 1-Bob Lowery tried to read a prepared statement in which he talked about the ordeal and public humiliation he has gone through as a result of his recent suspension. We say tried because it appeared as if Lowery didn't even believe some of what he was reading. Act 1 ended with Lowery requesting a release of a investigative report which he claims was done on him. Lowery said he doesn't know what the investigative report says.

  • Act 2- In a bit part, Councilman (and mayoral candidate) Pierce Conley immediately followed Lowery's act by motioning for the report to be released. The motion was seconded by Bill Gardner but all six of the remaining councilmen voted against releasing the report until they got clarification from legal counsel about any possible ramifications.

  • Act 3- Mayor Donna Morrow joined in this rehearsed play next and requested staff to put together the costs for this investigation for the next meeting.

Throughout the play the counsel looked completely shocked and unprepared for what was transpiring before there eyes. They allowed Lowery, Morrow and Conley to play there little game with little or no reaction. And what about the show itself? To start with it was based on a false premise. As CA Lowery serves at the pleasure of the mayor and council and if 6 members of the council want to fire Lowery they can do so with or without cause. I have not heard or read one negative comment made by a council member about Lowery during his tenure. Thus, Lowery's "I am the victim" act was just that, an act.

In addition, Lowery put on this little play with his allies to make the council look like bullies. Can you imagine doing that to your boss while he sits by silently? What the council should have done is told Mr. Lowery that while they had intended to do this in private they will be more than happy to raise some of their issues in public per Mr. Lowery's request. I then would have asked Mr. Lowery some direct questions such as;

  1. At least 3 employees have alleged that you showed favoritism to certain developers and that you ordered them to ignore the law on occasion. The taxpayers were required to pay each of these employees. Do you know how much this cost the city?
  2. You stated in a deposition that you deleted emails related to city business. Was your statement true and under whose authority did you do this?
  3. You claimed that Chief Schulte "retired" on his own although Chief Schulte and the evidence suggest otherwise. Please tell us if you and the mayor approached the Chief first and , if so, under what authority you did this?
  4. The city entered into a settlement agreement with Chief Schulte yet no one seems to know how much this costs the taxpayers. Do you know this figure? What authority did you have to enter into such an agreement?
  5. We have received numerous complaints from city employees regarding your "leadership" style, do you wish to comment?
  6. We have received numerous complaints regarding your interference with the police department, do you wish to comment?

We could go on but the fact is if Lowery wants to play this game call his bluff, do it in public and then take the appropriate action for all to see. We'd rather see a reality show than the sit com we were subjected to last night.


  1. One other thing that has not been covered as much as it should have been are the allegations by Lowery that this was in retalliation for "whistle blowing" on a couple of members of the Council for "Malfeasance" in office or illegal acts.

    At this point, he is guilty of one of two things, out and out lying or complicity in the commission of a "crime". If it is the latter, complicity, then he is as guilty as sin and not serving the residents of O'Fallon as he claims.

    Either way, IT STINKS to high heaven. Why doesn't someone call him on it and force the issue.

  2. Wasn't the deletion of e-mails, at the least, a State offense?

  3. When are you all going to City Hall to voice your protests during the City Council meetings?

  4. We have been to council meetings to speak, however, the mainstream media does not do a good job of covering citizens comments. The fact is that very few people attend or watch the council meetings, therefore, we decided to take our message to the people through a newspaper and now this blog. We believe this gives us a wider audience for our message.
