Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pierce Conley's son bites ear in fight according to police.

O'Fallon Councilman and mayoral candidate Pierce Conley's son was charged Monday with second-degree assault. According to a story on Stltoday.com, James P. Conley, 29, of the 2500 block of Breezy Point Lane bit part of another man’s ear off during a fight Sunday. James P. Conley was being held Monday in lieu of a $25,000 bail.


  1. I am quite amazed at the comments concerning corruption. Did not the State Audit the City? Were there not a return from the Grand Jury with NO, Nada, Zip, Zero indictments? Where is the PROOF, not rumors and inuendos?

    Last days of the campaign are very dirty, especially Frain with his Union backers at the direction of "Daddy" Lowery. This is another reason Labor is getting a bad name. Using these type of tactics do nothing but turn good, honest citizens off when it comes to politics.

    What do they hope to gain other than a bought and paid for politician.

  2. Illegal and criminal do not mean the same thing.
    The audit found numerous illegal things.
    That is why there is NO, Nada, Zip, Zero indictments.
    BTW – none of the members of the audit committee made accusations of criminal activity, only illegal.
